What is a Blog?
BLOG - (Web Log) Noun.A Blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a Blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a Blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the Blog
How popular are Blogs?
Blogs are the new media of the world. From political pundits to college diaries. Everyone seems to be keeping a Blog nowadaysIt has been said bloggers were the thorn in John Kerrys side during the 2004 election. Some bloggers use it to share cooking recipes. Blogs have become a driving force on the Internet
Whats a Blog host?
A Blog host is a website that lets bloggers signup for a Blog The Blog host will set the script up on their server (usually on a subdomain) and let the user run the Blog Some Blog hosts charge money monthly for this or some Blog hosts like this one let users do it for free. Market data reveal that paid Blog hosts do not get much business. Free Blog hosts usually have many usersFree Blog hosts are the first thing people look for when looking for someone to host their Blog
How do you make money with a free Blog host if its free?
Easy! the magic of GOOGLE® Adsense. The free Blog host puts a small GOOGLE Adsense box on every page of every Blog they host. To the right is an example of what it looks like.
GOOGLE® looks at each Blog and places ads on the page that match the content of the website. For example, if one of your users Blogs is about politics, then the GOOGLE® ads on the page will be geared towards politics. If the Blog is about cooking and recipes, the ads will be about that as well.
What this means is that every users Blog will have relevant ads on them. Making it easy for the Blogs reads to be interested in clicking the ads.
The GOOGLE® ads are text ads and non adtrusive, so your Blog users will not mind them. A fair trade off for free Blog hosting
How much money do I make when readers click the ads?
Good question, it actually depends on the subject of the ads. Mortgage loans ads will usually pay more than ads geared toward kids, but not all the time. Each click could be worth a different amount depends on how much that advertiser with GOOGLE® is paying GOOGLE for that ad. Our studies show that you can make from 5 cents to 5 bucks per click. On average though we notice 20-40 cents per click
This is some serious money as you got a few hundred bloggers, bloggin away on your website.
Also if you not into advertising with GOOGLE® you can ad any other advertising you like to each Blog Rotating banner advertisement ect.
1 comment:
wah sangat asyik sekali kita punya web blog. mudah dan cepat
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